- Artist HUNJIYA,
- Release2024-07-28
- Genre Pop, R&B/Soul,
- Formatsingle
- CountryKorea
- 1.palindrome
- 2.palindrome (inst.)
“Palindrome” is a song about navigating the blurred lines between accepting the reality of an outcome and wishing for something better. I wrote this song after realizing that, when I sink into a depressive state, I tend to revert to a mindset that fixates on wishing I could change my previous decisions, which led to more difficult times, rather than moving on and accepting that life will unfold as it’s meant to.
“Palindrome”은 결과의 현실을 받아들이는 것, 그리고 더 나은 것을 추구하는 것 사이의 모호한 경계에 대한 곡이다. 나는 우울한 상태에 빠질 때, 인생의 운명적인 것을 인정하기 보다 이전에 내린 결정을 후회하는 마음에 집착하고 있다는 것을 깨달았다. 이러한 마음가짐은 더 어려운 상황을 만든다.
Song written by: HUNJIYA
Song produced by: HUNJIYA Song performed by: HUNJIYA Cover art shot by: Andy Koh
Song mixed by: Jack Manning Song mastered by: Michael Deano |