이별네컷 (Love and pain in four scenes)
- Artist 정 점,
- Release2024-08-28
- Genre Ballad, indie,
- Label정 점 (Jung Jum)
- Formatsingle
- CountryKorea
- 1.이별네컷 (Love and pain in four scenes)
- 2.이별네컷 (Inst.)
가수 ‘정 점’ 의 디지털 싱글앨범 [ 이별네컷 ] 은 이별 후 함께했던 시간을 단 네 장면으로만
간직할 수 있다면 어떨까 하는 애틋한 상상이 담긴 곡이다. 싱글앨범 [ 이별네컷 ] 은 싱어송라이터 도균과 함께 아직도 많은 관심과 사랑을 받고 있는 즉석 네 컷 사진에서 아이디어를 가져와 더욱 입체적이고 참신한 시선으로 가수 정점만의 감성을 담아내어 대중에게 다가가겠다는 의도를 담았다.
Singer ‘Jung Jum’ digital single album [ Love and pain in four scenes ] is a song about the tender imagination of what it would be like to preserve the time we spent together after a breakup with only four scenes. The album was inspired by the impromptu four-cut photo that still receives a lot of attention and love with singer-songwriter Do Kyun, and the intention is to reach out to the public with a more three-dimensional and novel perspective that captures the singer’s unique emotions.
the 3rd single album <Love and pain in four scenes>
2024. 8. 28. PM 12:00(KST) Release
정 점 (Jung Jum)
Produced by 도균, 정 점 Lyrics by 정 점, 도균 Composed by 도균 Arranged by 도균
Vocal by 정 점 Piano by 도균 Guitar by 차평은 Bass by 남혜진 Drum by 도균
Recorded by @Imaginestudio Vocal Directed by 요셉(포맨), 슈테안 Digital Edited by 양하정 @TONE Studio Gogi Mixed by 양하정 @TONE Studio Gogi, 최민성 @TONE Studio Seoul Mastered by 최민성 @TONE Studio Seoul Album photo by 이유빈, 정 점 |