- Artist 01SYNTH,
- Release2021.12.13
- Genre Electronic,
- Label01SYNTH
- FormatSingle
- CountryKorea
01SYNTH의 BEYOND (Original Version.)
묵직한 Moog 사운드 질감을 베이스 도안으로 두고
트랜스 계열 플럭 신스를 사용하여 작곡된 곡 이다.
모든 사운드는 01SYNTH의 아이디어를 기반으로 디자인 되었으며
각각의 신디사이저를 적절한 파트에 맞게 배치하여
곡의 분위기를 장르적 특성에 맞게 완성 시켰다.
장르: Progressive Trance.
Designed with the heavy Moog sound texture as the foundation,
composed using trance type Pluck synths.
All sounds are designed based on the idea of 01SYNTH.
By arranging appropriate synthesizers to each part,
the atmosphere of this song was completed to fit the genre characteristics.
Genre: Progressive Trance.
Composed by 01SYNTH (Zeroone Synth)
Produced by 01SYNTH (Zeroone Synth)
Mixed by 01SYNTH (Zeroone Synth)
Mastered by 01SYNTH (Zeroone Synth), St.Emilio
Album Cover Image Provided by Zetong Li