- Artist Soul delivery,
- Release2025-2-21
- Genre Jazz, Neo Soul, R&B/Soul,
- Label리듬소망사랑
- FormatAlbum
- CountryKorea
- 1.Intro
- 3.YON
- 4.Soundcheck 4
- 5.Forget Me NOT! (with dePresno)
- 6.자유로
- 7.Daydreaming (with THAMA)
- 8.NEW WAVE (with Q the Trumpet)
- 9.Soundcheck 5
- 10.Heatwave (with LAZYKUMA)
- 11.oldmanstreet (with Yechan Kim)
- 12.Soundcheck 6
- 13.oowee (with Horim)
- 14.Paradise
소울 딜리버리의 세 번째 정규 앨범 <NEW WAVE>는 그동안의 음악적 여정을 넘어 새로운 물결을 만들어내겠다는 의지를 담았습니다. 다양한 음악적 시도와 더욱 확장된 사운드로 소울 딜리버리만의 독창적인 색깔을 극대화했으며, 익숙하면서도 새롭고, 강렬하면서도 섬세한 음악적 세계관을 보여줍니다.
<NEW WAVE>는 소울 딜리버리가 라이브 공연을 위해 방문한 지역들에 영감을 받아 만든 앨범입니다. 각 지역의 특색과 그곳에서 느꼈던 감정, 공연 중 겪은 흥미로운 에피소드들을 담아냈으며, 여러 뛰어난 가수와 연주자가 참여해 완성도를 높였습니다. 트랙마다 개성 넘치는 사운드와 메시지가 담겨 있어 대중들에게 파도를 타듯 색다른 경험을 선사할 것입니다.
‘Find Your NUGS’ 소울 딜리버리의 진화와 도전이 담긴 이번 앨범이 뮤직 러버들에게 또 다른 감동과 영감을 불러일으키기를 바랍니다.
Credits Album Produced by Soul delivery
Drum; SHINDRUM Bass; Yonghoon Jeong (정용훈) Guitar; Joon’s Second Life Keys; HAEUN
Recorded at RSS House, Ilsan, Korea Mastered by Aepmah at AFMLaboratory, Seoul Artwork by HAEUN Photo by 박현
1. Intro Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
2. FORTRESS Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
Percussion; 곽진석
3. YON Written by 정용훈 Arranged by 정용훈 Mixed by SHINDRUM, 정용훈
4. Soundcheck 4 Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
5. Forget Me NOT! (with dePresno) Produced by Soul delivery, Bjarte de Presno Borthen Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, 정용훈, Joon’s Second Life, Bjarte de Presno Borthen, YUNGDAN, calmoody Lyrics by Bjarte de Presno Borthen Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, 정용훈, Joon’s Second Life, Bjarte de Presno Borthen, calmoody Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
Vocal; dePresno
6. 자유로 Freedom Road Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
7. Daydreaming (with THAMA) Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, THAMA Lyrics by THAMA Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, THAMA Mixed by Aepmah at AFMLaboratory, Seoul
Vocal; THAMA
8. NEW WAVE (with Q the Trumpet) Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, Q the Trumpet Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, Q the Trumpet Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
Saxophone; Joon’s Second Life Trumpet; Q the Trumpet Trombone; Q the Trumpet
Percussion; 곽진석
9. Soundcheck 5 Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
10. Heatwave (with Lazykuma) Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
Saxophone; Lazykuma Percussion; 곽진석
11. oldmanstreet (with Yechan Kim) Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
Vibraphone; Yechan Kim
12. Soundcheck 6 Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio
13. oowee (with Horim) Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, Horim Lyrics by Horim Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, Horim Mixed by Aepmah at AFMLaboratory, Seoul
Vocal; Horim
14. Paradise Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Arranged by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈 Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio |