- Artist Kose Noriko,
- Release2022.08.19
- Genre Classical, Jazz, New Age,
- LabelStyle n love
- FormatALBUM
- CountryJP
- 1.the door of dream (夢へのとびら)
- 2.twilight (黄昏)
- 3.nocturne (夜想曲)
- 4.run (にじむ)
- 5.one by one (ひとつひとつ)
- 6.a small prize (小さなごほうび)
- 7.my novel (私小説)
- 8.flowers of path (路傍の花)
- 9.sway (ゆらぐ)
- 10.encounter (邂逅)
- 11.the quiet dialogue (静かな対話)
- 12.inner lamentation (内なる嘆き)
- 13.meditation (真夜中に想う)
- 14.revolution (原点回帰)
- 15.the white floer in night sky (夜空に咲く白い花)
- 16.dawn (薄明の空)
- 17.morning star (明けの明星)
- 18.road (道)
- 19.tolerance (寛容なこころ)
- 20.the life is
들을 때마다 생각나는 이야기.
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잠 못 드는 밤을 달래는 음악이 찾아온다.