The Flow of Water
- Artist 윈드앤웨이브,
- Release2021.03.30
- Genre Ballad, Pop,
- LabelWind&Wave
- FormatSingle
- CountryKorea
1. The Flow of Water (feat. 서자영)
작곡가이자 피아니스트인 윈드앤웨이브의 새로운 싱글
‘The Flow of Water’ (물의 흐름)
2020년 발매했던 2장의 앨범은 주로 피아노의 선율로 채워졌으나
이번 싱글 The Flow of Water는 한 편의 시와도 같은 가사를
보컬리스트 서자영의 목소리로 감미롭게 풀어내고 있다.
내 마음, 혹은 나의 상태가 하강하고 상승하지만
그저 흘러갈 뿐, 결국 지나가고 희미해져
결국 물의 흐름과 같이 다시 순환할 것을 노래하고 있다.
Miseung Kang, a composer and a pianist known professionally as Wind&Wave, has released her new single ‘The Flow of Water’.
Her previous albums were filled mostly with lush sounds of piano and atmospheric synthesizers.
However, for this single, vocalist Seo Jayeong is added to the layers singing the poetic lyrics beautifully.
The state of mind sometimes goes up and sometimes goes down, but it will fade and circulate again and again just like the flow of water.
작곡 윈드앤웨이브
작사 윈드앤웨이브
보컬 서자영
기타 정원준
피아노 윈드앤웨이브
Mixed by 정원준
Mastered by Alex Gordon at Abbey Road Studio
Composed by Wind&Wave
Lyric by Wind&Wave
Vocal by Seo Jayeong
Guitar by Jung Wonjun
Piano by Kang Miseung
Mixed by Jung Wonjun
Masterd by Alex Gordon at Abbey Road Studio