Heat stress


Heat stress …





1.      Espresso

Lyrics by a 9uy

Produced by a 9uy

Arranged by a 9uy

Mixed & Mastered by 배재한 @등대사운드


2.      ㅜ

Lyrics by a 9uy

Produced by a 9uy

Arranged by a 9uy

Mixed by a 9uy

Mastered by 배재한 @등대사운드


Artwork by a 9uy



BB New Attitude


Silly Silky (실리실키)


“BB New Attitude”



새로운 태도로 나를 드러내고 싶을 때

사랑하는 이에게 앵콜을 외칠 때, 모두


일렉트로닉 아티스트 Silly Silky (실리실키)가 지난 6월 발매에 이어 그녀의 개인 유튜브채널 @SillySilky (youtube.com/@SillySilky) 에 선공개 했던 곡 “BB New Attitude” 를 공식적으로 발매한다.


뿐만 아니라 “Encore” 이라는 전혀 다른 무드의 곡도 함께 수록되어 상반된 매력을 보여주고자 한다.


작곡, 작사, 편곡, 프로듀싱까지 모두 도맡은 실리실키는 “원래는 Encore 이라는 곡을 타이틀로 생각하고 작업했었는데요, BB New Attitude를 가벼운 마음으로 공개하고 나서 여러분들의 긍정적인 반응을 보고 다시 한번 생각해보게 되었습니다. 이번 여름 날씨는 비가 굉장히 많이 내리다가도 굉장히 무더운 날이 반복된다고 느꼈어요. 날씨에 따라 곡이 다르게 들리곤 하는데, 종잡을 수 없는 날씨만큼 다양한 저의 모습을 담아내고 싶었습니다. 언제든 원하는 무드로 골라 들어주세요.” 라고 전했다.


BB New Attitude 는 영화 ‘코요테 어글리’ 에서 영감을 얻어 시작된 서부풍의 어쿠스틱 사운드와 일렉트로닉 아티스트 다운 신스 베이스 소리의 신선한 조화가 돋보이는 곡이다.

또한 후반부로 전개될 수록 고조되어 마지막 하이라이트 부분에서 휘몰아치는 신스리드의 소리는 마치 곡의 텐션을 폭파시키는 듯 하다.


그야말로 새로운 태도, 긴 시간을 함께 하던 YESEO(예서) 라는 이름에서 Silly Silky (실리실키) 라는 새로운 이름을 내거는 그녀의 자신감을 여실이 느낄 수 있는 곡이다.


함께 수록된 Encore은 BB New Attitude 의 빈티지한 톤을 이으면서도 전반적인 무드는 상반된, 굉장히 색다른 느낌을 자아낸다.


Slow 한 느낌의 R&B 트랙으로 현재 K-POP 신과 일렉트로닉 신에서 두각을 드러내는 프로듀서 IMLAY 와 함께 작업하였다.


그녀는 “제 개인적으로는 이런 진한 R&B 를 오랜만에 작업해보는데, 사랑하는 사람을 바라볼 때 마치 무대 위의 조명이 켜진 듯 포커스 되잖아요. 그 대상에게 계속 해서 앵콜을 보내는 사랑의 의미가 담긴 곡입니다. 특히 실리실키라는 이름으로는 처음 공동편곡을 해본 작업이라 의미가 크기도 하고 IMLAY 님의 후반부 편곡진행을 보면서 많이 배우고, 또 너무 그 과정이 즐거웠습니다.” 라고 전했다.


도무지 알 수 없는 날씨 같은 하루와 마음, 올 여름 실리실키는 그 일렁이는 무드 속을 유영하고 있다.






01. BB New Attitude

Produced by Silly Silky

Composed by Silly Silky

Lyrics by Silly Silky

Arranged by Silly Silky



Produced by Silly Silky, IMLAY

Composed by Silly Silky, IMLAY

Lyrics by Silly Silky

Arranged by Silly Silky, IMLAY


Produced by Silly Silky, IMLAY

Composed by Silly Silky, IMLAY

Lyrics by Silly Silky

Arranged by Silly, IMLAY

Recording by Silly Silky


Mixed & Mastered by IMLAY

Album Art by jeehoowism


추 (Yours Truly)


음악가의 소리에서 나오는 자연스러운 깊이, BRWN [추 (Yours Truly)]


과거에는 ‘사연 있는 목소리’라는 표현을 쓰고는 했다. 말 그대로 목소리만으로도, 목소리에서 이미 가사가 지닌 텍스트 이상의 이야기를 떠오르게 만드는 짙은 음색을 말할 때 쓰는 표현이었다. 알앤비 싱어송라이터 브라운(BRWN)의 음색 역시 그렇다. 나는 표현을 조금 바꿔서, ‘사색을 부르는 음색’이라고 써보고자 한다. 브라운의 보컬에는 깊이가 있다. 신중하면서도 섬세한 가창, 편안하게 들을 수 있지만 결코 쉽지 않은 그의 표현까지 묘하게 큰 힘을 들이지 않은 듯해도 들을 수록 빠져들게 만드는 매력이 있다. 그게 브라운의 음악이었고, 지금도 여전하다.


브라운은 2018년 첫 싱글을 발매한 뒤 꽤 많은 수의 EP와 믹스테입, 싱글을 발매했다. 2021년을 제외하고는 한 해에 몇 장의 EP를 발매할 정도로 다작을 하던 때도 있었다. 그렇다고 해서 퀄리티가 떨어지는 것도 아니었다. 아쉽게 많은 조명을 받지 못했고 기회가 조금 없었을 뿐이지, 그의 음악은 힙합/알앤비 음악을 좋아하는 장르 팬이라면 좋아할 수밖에 없을 만큼 진하게 한 장르가 구축해온 문법에 충실하면서도 자신만의 것을 단단하게 가져갔다. 꾸준히 서로 다른 프로듀서와 작업했음에도 자신의 맥락을 완성했다는 것은 그만큼 브라운의 존재감이 크다는 것을 의미한다.


[추 (Yours Truly)]는 브라운의 첫 정규 앨범이다. 그만큼 욕심이 날 법도 한데, 브라운은 밀도 있고 정갈하게 갖췄다. 욜로돌로-인스(Yolodolo-ins) 한 프로듀서와 전곡을 함께 작업했고, 자신이 해왔던 몇 가지 스타일에서 벗어났지만 오히려 그것이 작품을 더 단단하게 만들었다. 기존에 브라운이 지니고 있던, 90년대 한국 가요적인 느낌에 좀 더 세련된 면모를 얹었고 아스라히 무너지는 듯한 보컬은 좀 더 담백하게 잡혔다. 그렇다고 해서 가벼워진 것은 결코 아니다. 오히려 얼터너티브 알앤비에 가까워진 앨범 안에는 브라운 특유의 정서가 더 짙게 자리하고 있다. 단순히 처연함 혹은 그리움과 같은 몇 글자로만 풀 수 있는 것이 아니기 때문에 직접 들어볼 것을 권하는데, 여러분도 그 감성에 빠져들면 아마 쉽게 헤어나오지 못할 것이라 본다.


브라운의 첫 번째 정규 앨범은 총 열 세곡으로 구성되어 있으며 11번 곡 “Whitney”에는 남경운이 작사에 참여했고 외에는 브라운과 욜로돌로-인스 두 사람이 제작했다. 욜로돌로-인스가 믹싱까지 직접 했고 마스터링에는 고도현 엔지니어, 사진작가로는 나경인 작가가 함께했다. 한 음악가가 지닌 여러 이야기를 이 짧은 지면에 푸는 데에는 한계가 있어서, 기존 브라운의 모든 작품들도 함께 들어보고 이 앨범까지 들어볼 것을 권한다. 그렇게 이 앨범을 만났을 때, 그 경험이 주는 무게가 결코 가볍지 않으리라 확신한다.


평론가 박준우(블럭)






[Track Credit]

01. I`ll be your friend

작사. Yolodolo-ins

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Piano : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins

String : Yolodolo-ins

Brass : Yolodolo-ins

Electric Piano : Yolodolo-ins


02. On/Off

작사. Yolodolo-ins

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Piano : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins

Guitar : Yolodolo-ins


03. undertow (If i hadn’t met you)

작사. Yolodolo-ins, BRWN

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins


04. Interlude (In undertow)

작곡. Yolodo-ins

편곡. Yolodo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins


05. Drown

작사. Yolodo-ins

작곡. Yolodo-ins

편곡. Yolodo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins


06. Addicted

작사. Yolodolo-ins

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins


07. wowowo

작사. Yolodolo-ins, BRWN

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins

Guitar : Yolodolo-ins

Electric Piano : Yolodolo-ins


08. lololo

작사. Yolodolo-ins

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins

Electric Piano : Yolodolo-ins

Brass : Yolodolo-ins


09. Satellite

작사. Yolodolo-ins, BRWN

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins

Guitar : Yolodolo-ins

Electric Piano : Yolodolo-ins


10. We all try

작사. Yolodolo-ins

작곡. Yolodolo-ins, BRWN

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Piano : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins

Electric Piano : Yolodolo-ins

String : Yolodolo-ins


11. Whitney

작사. Yolodolo-ins, 남경운

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins

Guitar : Yolodolo-ins

Brass : Yolodolo-ins

Vibe : Yolodolo-ins

Electric Piano : Yolodolo-ins


12. 오래전부터 / Someday

작사. Yolodolo-ins

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Bass : Yolodolo-ins

Piano : Yolodolo-ins

Synth : Yolodolo-ins


13. Maybe

작사. Yolodolo-ins, BRWN

작곡. Yolodolo-ins

편곡. Yolodolo-ins


Drum : Yolodolo-ins

Piano : Yolodolo-ins


[Album Credit]

Album Produced by Yolodolo-ins, BRWN

Mixed by Yolodolo-ins

Mastered by 고도현

Photography by 나경인 (@setnet34)

Visualizer by EEHOSOO (@setnet34)


Love Piercing


“고요한 새벽에 찾아온 반달”

“half moon that came at a quiet dawn”






Lyrics by SHIRT

Composed by Charming Lips, SHIRT

Arranged by Charming Lips

Drum by Charming Lips

Guitar by Charming Lips

Bass by Charming Lips

Synth by Charming Lips

Chorus by SHIRT


Mix & Mastered by SOQI



<Album Cover & Visualizer>

Graphic design / 3D Art by moonyoung urc






No matter how big the world is, I just want a place to belong.

When you can’t put things into words, let this be your song.


·Reconcile with your past self. HIDEOUT is where you can safeguard your secrets.

·It is not a sin for men to be gentle and vulnerable. Through folk R&B, LINION makes all the hidden stories worth cherishing.


“That morning, the weather was beautiful. I was riding my bicycle on the way to the beach, listening to the songs from HIDEOUT.


I enjoy being in motion while being accompanied by my songs and vibing to them. The next thing I knew, tears started to well up unconsciously. I burst out crying and couldn’t stop. At least I had my sunglasses on, so no one would notice.


I recalled my younger self, lacking confidence, thinking I needed to change to be liked, and believing things would get better as I grew up. But I was never satisfied, constantly forgetting to accept myself in the present moment. There was a period when I felt so down that even songwriting became painful. I was easily influenced by people around me, and in turn, I affected those around me.


That day, while listening to this new album, I suddenly realized that sometimes you don’t necessarily need others to understand or comfort you. My songs had already released my vulnerabilities. It’s okay to be imperfect. It’s okay if there are things I can’t put into words. I no longer mind being afraid or fearful. After singing them out, I felt relieved.


My thoughts came to an end, and my bicycle reached the seaside. I walked towards the spot closest to the sea and continued my walk alone.”

—LINION (2023/06/29)


LINION initially set out to create an album about walking and dedicate it to the significant women in his life. As he delved, he unexpectedly entered the dark void of his heart, discovering the uneasiness behind his carefree demeanor and the brokenness he had never reconciled with. Far away from the city, during a snorkeling getaway on Orchid Island, where he encountered a passing sea snake, LINION embraced the thrilling cleanse of nature, washing away the barriers in his heart. Inspired and overflowing with creativity, he decided to openly confront and embrace his sensitive and vulnerable side as a man and transform them into captivating music for his new work.


From the reserved and melancholic blue hues of 2018’s debut album Me in Dat Blue to the spirited and carefree journeys of 2020’s sophomore Leisurely, the third album HIDEOUT encapsulates LINION’s journey of seeking inner peace over the past three years. Through the album, he wants to narrate these stories with the rhythmic pace of walking. Opening the album with “Listen to Me,” the listeners’ auditory senses are engaged and continue until the gentle farewell of the final track, “Goodbye.” The music flows leisurely, and the vocals are smooth and warm. It is not a venting of grievances but a casual face-to-face conversation with listeners by the dimming coastline during sunset or on a bench at a street corner in the city. LINION uses music to create a space that aims to be a hideout and a healing house, accompanying listeners quietly through their confusion and sorrows.


HIDEOUT also takes listeners into LINION’s secret realm for a heart-tugging visit. From a candid and vulnerable perspective, LINION reflects on various relationships around him. When it comes to love, it is both an intimate companionship and a perplexing puzzle (tracks: “The Shadow” and “Friends or?”). Regarding the body, he grapples with weight anxieties stemming from adolescence (tracks: “Black Panther” and “R U Ready”). On family, he realized that male bravado is ultimately just immense vulnerability (track: “HIDE”).


LINION’s lyrics and music have always warmly embraced the audience. The underlying tone of HIDEOUT still embodies the spontaneity of a 26-year-old young man, but now with an increasing sense of self-reflection and maturity. At times, his vulnerability is heart-wrenching, while at other times, he exudes pure playfulness. He confronts himself, allowing the hidden aspects to no longer hide and the deep secrets to be worthy of being cherished. Perhaps, within this album, the innermost secrets of listeners can find solace too.


For the music production, LINION collaborated again with sought-after producer Wei-Yu Chung, who also worked on Leisurely, which won the 12th Golden Indie Music Awards for Best R&B Album. LINION also invited Best New Artist winner Pei-Yu Hung to collaborate on the love song “Friends or?.” Other talented musicians involved in the arrangement and recording include Golden Melody Awards nominees Howe, Everydaze, L8ching, AC, and US-based drummer Bianca Richardson. Their contributions round out the eight solid new tracks in HIDEOUT.




Canvas, Brush & Knife


Paint whatever you like, color me whatever you like.

I’m your canvas, brush and knife.






Composed by JINBO, Hersh
Written by JINBO, Hersh
Arranged by JINBO, HershDrums by Shindrum 신이삭
Guitar by Shyun 김승현
Bass by Noogi Park 박천욱
Key by HAEUN 정하은
Trumpet by Q the Trumpet 박준규
Saxophone by Gwanwoo Baek 백관우
Trombone by Minsu Kim 김민수
Vocals by JINBO, HershMixed and Mastered by 나잠 수 at Wormwood Hill Studio
Recorded by B.A Wheeler at Union Studios Seoul
Artwork by Yuna Jun


Shy Dog


어느날 밤이었어요. 친구에게 전화가 왔어요. 그 친구는 술에 잔뜩 취해서 알 수 없는 이야기들을 한참을 늘어놓았어요. 잔뜩 화가 나았었던 것 같은데, 마지막에 그러더군요. 자기는 수줍음이 많다고. 저도 모르게 ‘아 ..수줍음이 많은 개새끼구나..’하고 말았죠. 그런데 말이죠. 곰곰히 생각해보니 모순된 감정 모순된 욕망은 그 친구만이 것이 아니더라구요. 어머 . 수줍은 개새끼 는 나이기도 너이기도 하구나 !


– 윤숭 ‘Shy Dog’







Produced by Zeed

All Songs Composed, Lyrics by 윤숭

Arranged by 윤숭 (All Track), 곽지웅, 박관우, 안상준 (Track1)


Recorded by 양하정, 김진평, 김주훈 @TONESTUDIO SEOUL, GOGI (Track1)

최윤성 @북정마을 (Track 2)

Mixed by 양하정, 최민성 @ TONESTUDIO SEOUL, GOGI (Track1)

Zeed@Zeed Studios (Track2)

Mastered by 최민성 @ TONESTUDIO SEOUL, GOGI (Track1)

Zeed@Zeed Studios (Track2)


Album Photograph by Abi Raymaker


1. Shy Dog

Drums 곽지웅

Bass 박관우

Electric Guitar 안상준

Vocals 윤숭


2. Hangovercureremix

Acoustic Guitar, Vocals 윤숭



Publishing by POCLANOS

기획사 작은물@zak_eun_mul


Wild Thoughts


Lym en, Single [Wild Thoughts]


EP ‘W’ 선공개 곡







1. Wild Thoughts (Feat. Jade)

Lyrics by Lym en, 쟈드 (Jade)

Composed by sec paul, Lym en, 쟈드 (Jade)

Arranged by sec paul


Chorus by Lym en, 쟈드 (Jade)

Keyboard by sec paul

Drum by sec paul

Bass by sec paul


[Album Credit]

Executive ProducerㅣLym en, 석찬우

Co-Producer / A&RㅣSTONESHIP


Mixed & Mastered Engineerㅣ배재한 @등대사운드




이지하게 들어주세요~.~




1.이젠 (feat. VVON)


Composed by SOQI,VVON,이상혁

Lyrics by VVON

Arranged by SOQI

Synth by 손길현

Piano by 손길현

Drum by SOQI

Bass by Snozern

Computer Programming by SOQI


Mixed and Mastered by SOQI

Artwork Design by Janf



Greenwich Holiday


Soul delivery new single Greenwich Holiday


“Oh you can have all you want

Please say that you can feel now

Lookin’ at the moonlight,

Sunshine and the clouds”







Produced by Soul delivery

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, THAMA, SOLE

Lyrics by THAMA, SOLE

Recorded at Unwound Studios, London

Mixed by Syed Adam Jaffrey at Unwound Studios, London

Mastered by Aepmah at AFMLaboratory

Artwork by Hana Lee


Bass; Yonghoon Jeong(정용훈)


Guitar; Joon’s Second Life





싱어송라이터 소서의 싱글 [탕후루]


I’m looking for the One and Only You

마치 매번 처음인 것 처럼, 이번이 마지막인 것 처럼

I’m dream of 순수한 사랑






1. 탕후루 (Feat. KURO)

Lyrics: 소서(Soseo), KURO

Composed by: 소서(Soseo), KIME, KURO

Arrange:  KIME

Guitar: KIME

Chorus: 소서(Soseo), 해일

Mixing: KIME

Mastering: KIME


Executive director: Soseo

Producer: KIME

Photographer: 진다영

Artwork : KIME


Black Panther


Since the release of “Holiday Only” in 2022, a lighthearted and soulful track dedicated to the post-pandemic era, LINION aims to be the happy-go-lucky guy who brings you happiness as you blissfully burst into song and dance with him.

On social media, nicknamed “LI-der (a play on ‘leader’) by his fans, LINION often chats with and shares his daily life with them. In his music, he artfully uses loose and relaxed neo-soul rhythms, turning the sounds from his fingertips into cushioning soles that help fans walk through the rough patches of life.

With each new work, LINION brings a new dimension to his audiences. From the reserved and melancholic blue hues of 2018’s Me in Dat Blue to the spirited and carefree journeys of 2020’s Leisurely, in 2023, LINION returns with the lead single “Black Panther” from his long-awaited third album. “Black Panther” is here to chase away all your insecurities!

LINION recalls a day earlier this year when he saw a chubby boy walking down the street, full of spirit and carefree. The incident reminded him of how he used to be, chubby but confident and not bothered by what was considered the perfect image. So, he wrote this song as a revelation, letting the forgiving power of music isolate the world’s gaze and strip away the armor we have accumulated over the years.

“Black Panther” has no direct connection to the Marvel superhero movie. The song title was inspired by the spirit animal in LINION’s heart, the “black panther.” LINION believes the black panther is not necessarily as fierce and aloof as everyone thinks but more like a big cat who likes to cuddle and quietly stays by our side. With a single jump, the feline can disappear without a trace, its light footsteps taking away all our unhappiness, just like this song.

“Black Panther” was produced by Golden Melody Award-nominated musician Wei-Yu Chung and co-arranged by LINION and keyboardist Shao Yu. The rhythm section not only featured percussion by good friend and Best New Artist-nominee L8ching, but LINION also invited his former Musicians Institute classmate Bianca Richardson. Richardson is a talented drummer with over 100,000 followers on Instagram and has worked with top musicians such as Marcus Miller, H.E.R., and Moonchild. Her confident and soulful drumming is the indestructible Vibranium core of “Black Panther.”


